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Large surround dual platform laser cutting machine


    Intelligent Autofocus Cutting Head

    Designed specifically for medium-power laser equipment, this intelligent cutting head features a new optical path design and optimized optical lenses. It offers easy installation, simple calibration, excellent performance, dual dust protection, and stable cutting. The perforation detection and process monitoring functions effectively enhance production efficiency and product yield, meeting the stringent performance requirements for high-power cutting with air and nitrogen.

    Intelligent Autofocus Cutting Head

    High-Rigidity Bed Base

    The advanced floor-type integrated plate and tube structure undergoes heat treatment to eliminate stress, achieving an optimal match of strength, rigidity, servo acceleration and deceleration, and the CNC system. The equipment boasts sufficient rigidity, excellent reliability, and high-efficiency cutting performance, making it particularly suitable for the demands of high-speed, high-power laser cutting machines.


    Intelligent Cutting System

    The Intelligent Cutting System is a high-end solution designed for fiber laser cutting, offering stability, reliability, easy deployment, and excellent performance. It supports modular, customizable, and automated solutions, featuring functions like multi-level perforation for thick plates, intelligent tool retraction for smooth cuts, automatic edge detection for precise positioning, flying cutting for increased speed, and intelligent nesting to reduce material waste. This makes it one of the most advanced and efficient laser cutting systems available.

    Sistem Kontrol CNC yang Dikembangkan Sendiri

    High-Efficiency Zoned Exhaust System

    The cutting area is divided into multiple zones, each automatically opening as the cutting head moves over it, providing powerful and focused suction. Equipped with large exhaust channels, the system ensures smooth smoke extraction, making the process more environmentally friendly and clean.


Memotong sampel

  • Model:LX-6025FB
  • Kekuatan laser:3000w-30000w
  • Lembar kerja6000*2000mm
  • X-Axis Travel2550mm
  • Y-Axis Travel6050mm
  • Z-Axis Travel270mm
  • XY motion accuracy±0.05mm/m
  • Ulangi Posisi Sudut±0.05mm
  • Kecepatan kerja100m/min
  • Percepatan1.0G
  • Permintaan listrik380V/50HZ/60HZ
  • Berat mesin14 tons
  • Ukuran yang terlihat14900*4220*2220mm

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