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Macchina da taglio laser per microtubi


  • High-strength bed, fast speed, good stability
  • Short tail material: ≥115mm
  • Cut a single pipe, a single clamping can complete the entire cutting, and the cutting length is not limited by the length of the moving parts
  • The interpolation axis of the equipment is directly driven by a linear motor, with fast speed and good stability

    Tiny Tube Cutting Expert

    Tiny Tube Cutting Expert Specialist in cutting tubes with diameter 2-25 mm

    Marble-Base Machine Frame

    Marble base machine frame greatly improvethe precision and rigidity, providing perfect stability.

    Easy-Changed Tooling

    Only 3 minutes needed to change the toolings when cutting pipe in different size.

    Industry-Leading Bed Manufacturing Technology

    Featuring an open-frame mechanical structure and an integral bed, it offers excellent rigidity, smooth operation, and can meet the demands of 24-hour non-stop production.

Il taglio di campioni

YouTube video
  • Modello:LX-K3S
  • Potere del Laser:1000W-2000W
  • Diametro Di Taglio Del Tubo Rotondo:Φ1.5-25mm
  • Diametro Di Taglio Del Tubo Quadrato:▢1.5*1.5-17*17mm
  • Taglio lunghezza del Tubo:≤3000mm
  • Precisione Di Lavorazione:±0.1mm
  • Dimensioni:4350*1110*1600mm
  • Peso:1.4 tons
  • Taglio Tipo Di Tubo:Round Tubo / Tubo Quadrato
  • Taglio Del Materiale:acciaio inossidabile, acciaio al carbonio, alluminio,rame,ferro da stiro

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