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3D 5-axis laser pipe cutting machine


  • Five-in-one profile cutting production line, high-precision machinery, photoelectric detection, three-dimensional five-axis RTCP function, intelligent software algorithm, integrating optical, mechanical, electrical and software
  • Fully automatic processing production line, automatic recognition of steel structure TEKLA digital model
  • Directly input parameters according to two-dimensional and three-dimensional paper drawings to generate three-dimensional models (SIP, IGS, etc.)
  • Cutting profiles: H steel/C type/L type/bevel pipe
  • Application industries: steel structure, shipbuilding, elevators, heavy industry, engineering machinery, pressure vessels and other market segments

    Dual-station cutting

    The K51 features two steel profile support frames. It can load two steel profiles at one time, enabling rapid and high-efficiency processing.

    3D 5-axis cutting

    It can cut H-beams, C-beams, L-beams, as well as large area carbon steel corner plates.

    3D 5-axis cutting

    Super heavy profile processing

    It can satisfy processing requirements such as hole cutting, cutting, and corner cutting.

    Super heavy profile processing

    Intelligent CNC system specifically designed for pipe cutting

    The system features a visual operation screen, easy parameter adjustments, and a wide range of functions. It supports multi-level perforation, intelligent tool retraction, automatic edge detection, and intelligent nesting, among other customizable features.



YouTube video
  • モデル:LX-K51
  • レーザーパワー:6000-20000W
  • 切断径丸チューブ:
  • 切断径のスクエアチューブ:H-beam cutting range : web height 250mm≤H≤1000mm Wing width 100≤B≤500mm
  • 切削チューブの長さ:≤12000mm
  • 精度の加工:
  • 外形寸法:
  • 重さ:20 tons
  • 切削チューブタイプ:H-steel / C-type / L-type / bevel
  • 切削素材:stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum,copper,iron,etc


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